Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thank you!


What a great year we had with the EBOP kids this year!  None of the staff can believe how very fast the year flew by!

We had so many hard working kids!  They all made great progress on their instruments this year.

Members of the Colorado Symphony Orchestra came and performed for us this morning.  It was fun to see the kids being active listeners and truly enjoying what they were hearing.  They were literally (and politely, even after donuts) dancing in their seats!  This is what keeps teachers teaching!  

The staff of EBOP would love to take this opportunity to thank all the families for your support and dedication.  We realize how difficult it can be to get youngsters out of bed to come to rehearsal.  Thank you for driving them here for their instruction time through wind, rain, sleet and snow, as well as on all those sunny days!

It is our genuine hope that your children will forever keep playing their instruments, or maybe even try a different one.  Music can provide a unique community within the larger population of a school.  It can be a place to feel welcome and included.  The bond between music students is indeed a very strong one!

We would encourage you to begin private music instruction for your enthusiastic young musician.  Here is a link for teachers of string instruments STRINGS.
Here is a link for teachers of band instruments:BAND

 DON'T FORGET!! REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN FOR EBOP FOR 2015/2016! Click on the link to claim your spot!
EBOP Registration

 Please check out our FAQ's about EBOP and encourage friends and neighbors to check out our program.  FAQ's

Have a great summer!  Good luck to all the students stepping up to Middle School!  Keep playing your instrument!  We hope to see the rest of you next year, along with our new EBOP students.