Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Hope you all had a wonderful summer.  

Come ONE, Come ALL, for great fun while learning to play an instrument and hanging out with your friends!

There are Beginning and Advanced classes. 
Classes start the week of September 3rd for Advanced classes.  And the week of September 9th for Beginning classes.

Bus transportation is provided from Highlands Ranch High School to the elementary schools at the end of class.  
Classes are from 7:00am to 8:15am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Advanced classes and Tuesday, Thursday for Beginning classes.

Where: Highlands Ranch High School
9375 Cresthill Lane
Highlands Ranch, CO.  80126

You can register at  https://bit.ly/2JZXcBy
 Fees are as follows:
         June 5 to August 31 - $300.00
         September 1 to October 31 - $325.00
         November 1 to November 30 - $350
Please Note: There will be no refunds after October 1, 2019.

INSTRUMENT RENTAL NIGHT will be Monday, August 26, at 6:00pm in the HRHS Gym.   Your student can come in and try out different instruments to see what it is that they would like to play.

For any additional questions or information, please call or email Christopher Rigolini (Band Teacher and Director of Performing Arts), 303-387-2660,  crigolini@dcsdk12.org or Shirley Denning (Secretary for Performing Arts) 303-387-2749, sdenning1@dcsdk12.org